The healing journey includes both the dark & the light. In order to reach your full bliss potential, you will need to brave the darkness.  

Avoiding the work of healing your wounded parts limits the full expression that you are here to embody & share with the world. Equally important is fully embracing your light, your gifts, your magic, and your beauty.  This can be challenging for many of us.  We often avoid our wounded parts and our beauty because we fear being rejected, criticized, or abandoned.  Our people pleasing tendencies can repress our shadows and our joy in an effort to be accepted, loved, and praised.

If you are unsure of where to start, here is a practice:

  1. Notice people, conversations, and worldviews that trigger a sense of defensiveness or aggression within you. You don’t need to get tangled up in your thoughts, just notice what your particular triggers are.  

  2. Invite in a curiosity about your reactions.

  3. Write down the specific person, the words, or the views, and what thoughts came to your mind.

  4. Play with the language of “ A part of me is feeling ________ about ________.”

  5. Tune into this part of you and continue listening to their point of view.

  6. Go deeper until you discover the unmet need that will be just beneath the defensive reaction.

  7. Write down a specific date, time, and manner in which you will show up for yourself to meet that need.

  8. Do it.

  9. Celebrate showing up for yourself!

This exercise will help you see where you have shadow beliefs at play in your life.  Until you discover and integrate your shadows, your wounded parts will be running your life, and you will wonder why you are not living the life you know you are here to live. Both your wounds and your gifts can be discovered, met, and integrated by doing this exercise consistently. I recommend trying it out 3-5x a week and you will expand your awareness & your capacity to be with those parts that you may be running from. I invite you to pause, turn around, and listen to them.

Embracing all of it–the light and the dark–will open the space for you to be fully and truly authentic, and to create the life you are longing to live.

With Love,


Mary Plummer