Do you find yourself struggling to say no? Many of us do, and as a result, we can end up feeling frustrated and resentful both with others and ourselves. It actually seems harder to do than it is. Once you take those first baby steps you will find yourself feeling more freedom and ease in your life. No more avoiding phone calls, dodging people, or saying yes to things you don’t actually want in your life. 

Saying no empowers you to create your life on your terms, in your own time, and in your own way. 

Saying no nurtures your feelings of self-trust, competence, and power. 

Saying no clears out relationships and circumstances that are no longer in resonance with who you are and the life you are creating.

It’s not about being aggressive or rude, although you may have core beliefs or programming that tell you that you are not “being nice” if you say no.  That’s ok. Invite in your curiosity about these beliefs. Welcome them, just don’t allow them to be in the driver’s seat. Trust in your Self to guide the process. You can be kind and empowered.

Here are a few examples where “no” can support you in standing fully in your power and creating a beautiful life:

  • a friend consistently offering unsolicited advice

  • a colleague repeatedly offering unsolicited feedback

  • family or friends who tell you what you “should” do

  • people who are controlling or energetically draining

I invite you to practice saying the following out loud, when you are by yourself:

“No thank you.”
“No, that doesn’t sound good to me.”
“Not for me, thanks.”
“No, but thank you for thinking of me.”
“No, I see it differently.”
“No, that has not been my experience.”
“No, I don’t want to do that.”
“No, I don’t need advice.”

Practicing will clear the stagnant energy in your throat and help you feel more comfortable saying “no” in real life situations. It might be uncomfortable, scary, or awkward, and it might also feel empowering, liberating, and exhilarating.  Either way, you will feel more empowered and at ease in your life once you begin to say no and take care of your needs and desires. 

The power of no is a mighty tool in creating a vibrant and heart centered life. May it serve you well. 

May you be blessed and feel the love all around you.

With Love,


Mary Plummer