To be in a liminal space is to be in between; not quite where you were, and yet not quite on to the next place. A sort of twilight zone. Often we resist this undefined place and push on into what is “next” in order to feel in control or settled. In this way, we often rush into situations that don’t unfold in a graceful way and cause us pain. 

However, If you are able to soften into the liminal space, you will not only survive the ride, but you will also discover the richness, texture, nuance, and deep wisdom that this soul playground contains.

Limen: L. threshold; a place or point of entering or beginning. 

The Invitation:

Take a few moments with your eyes closed to tune into your body and then journal on the following questions.

  • What does this space/time feel like? Are there colors? Textures? Smells? Temperatures?

  • Where in my body do I feel these sensations?

  • Are there stories arising? Is my mind active? Am I trying to “figure this out”?

  • What am I afraid of? 

  • Write a message of hope and trust to yourself. This can be a poem, a song, or a beautifully simple word or sentence. (Be aware of going into story, this is a message of trusting in your ability to be in the liminal space, not escape or shoo it away with a story).

  • Lie down and start off by contemplating what a point of entry or a beginning means to you, and then let your inner knowing take you on a journey. 

The Liminal playlist

Spend a few moments deepening your breath, stretching your body, and noticing your surroundings.  Move very slowly. Rest for at least 5-10 minutes, allowing your consciousness to come back into the space gently.

This simple practice can stretch your capacity to be in a liminal space and allow for an opening that is perfect in its own time and in its own way. You can cultivate your relationship with this rich and fertile experience, and open to grace as you surrender into the Mystery. 

May you journey in Grace.



Mary Plummer