Emotional Freedom Technique

I have been practicing EFT, also known as “tapping”, for the past few weeks and it is now one of my favorite practices.  I am sharing it with you today because it is simple, easy, and effective. This past week has been challenging for me and maybe it has been for you too. Or not. Either way, EFT is a practical and powerful practice that opens up the space to be honest about how you are feeling in the moment as you simultaneously support your nervous system and transmute painful or uncomfortable emotions, sensations, and thoughts.

I don’t know about you, but I have felt knocked off my center on what seems like a regular basis lately, and I am feeling deeply grateful for all of the practices and medicines I have in my life. My hope is that what I am sharing will offer you practical tools and practices as you reconnect and remember who you truly are.  We are not just humans living here in the 3D. We are also Divine, and we need only to remember. With this remembrance comes a fuller capacity to also be fully embodied in our human experience, to be present, and to be in our joy and loving awareness.

You can learn how to do EFt here and here.  

Sending you Love,


Mary Plummer