Antidote to Feeling Powerless

The feeling of powerlessness can be accessed and transmuted in the body with 3 simple tools—Awareness, Presence, and Breath.

You may feel a sense of powerlessness as a tight knot in your stomach, tense shoulders, headaches, a racing heart, mental rumination, or nausea, and these sensations may be accompanied by feelings of fear, hopelessness, and anger.  

The antidote to feeling powerlessness rests in your capacity to allow your feelings, thoughts, and emotions to rise to the surface of your awareness. From this place of intentional awareness, you can bring your full presence to all that arises and begin to work with your breath. 

A powerful breathing practice will bring you back to your center, to your place of inner power, and transform your physical sensations and feelings. This transformation creates the conditions for you to live your life fully, embracing it all, and living your Soul Purpose come what may.

Breathing Practice:

  1. Inhale fully for a count of 7 seconds.

  2. Hold the breath for 7 seconds.

  3. Exhale for a count of 7 seconds.

  4. Hold the breath out for 7 seconds.

  5. Continue for 7 minutes.

  6. Come to stillness for several moments, noticing your sensations. 

  7. Allow your body to move as it wants to.

  8. Allow sound, open your throat.

  9. Bring your body to stillness, to silence.

  10. Visualize a golden light permeating your entire body and surrounding you.

  11. Allow any residue or feelings and sensations to be absorbed into this golden light.

  12. Offer yourself gratitude for caring for yourself, for being present with your experience.

  13. Place both hands on your heart.

  14. Inhale and exhale fully.

  15. Acknowledge your courage and your commitment to loving and taking care of yourself. 

  16. Make a commitment to receiving goodness into your life and radiating goodness to all. 

I would love to hear how this experience touches you. 

Remember-the world is full of Love, Truth, and Beauty. 

With Love,


Mary Plummer