Are you in your center, fully embodying your Sovereignty?

Or are you habitually getting stuck in people pleasing, fawning, and finger pointing?

In order to fully express your authenticity and create a life you love, you will need to gently heal your wounds that keep you in victim mentality and lack. 

How to begin? Take radical responsibility. Ouch, I know. It is easier to blame and leak out all sorts of negative energy onto others, but you are doing yourself a deep disservice by continuing this pattern. 

Do you know that you are co-creating with the Absolute in each moment? Your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions are all communicating out into the web of creation. Let yourself be inspired and excited by this!

A good first step is self-awareness and cultivating your ability to be with discomfort. 

If you would like to expand your capacity to be with what is, in each moment, I have a practice to share with you.


(Infinity, Life, Death/Transformation, Rebirth)

Find a comfortable seated position.
Tune in with the Adi Mantra.
Close your eyes and relax your hands on your thighs, palms facing up.
Inhale deeply.
Exhale fully and hold the breath out.
Chanting silently SA TA NA MA  four times.
Continue the cycle of inhale/exhale/hold & chant for 3-11 minutes.
Take 3-5 nice long inhale/exhale cycles.
Gently allow your eyes to open & receive the room.
Close with the Long Time Sun mantra.
Stretch your body.
Notice your sensations and any information you may have received from your inner Wisdom.

Bless you.

With Love,


Mary Plummer